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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 1 2023

How Can Changing Jobs Help to Tame Your Depression?

When it comes to managing depression, many people feel like they are stuck in a rut and can't find their way out. But the truth is that making positive changes, such as changing jobs, can help you manage your depression symptoms more effectively.

We will explore how changing jobs could be beneficial for those suffering from depression and look at some of the challenges that come with it. We'll also discuss strategies for successful job change so you know what steps to take when considering whether or not this option might be right for you. So let's dive into our topic: Can Changing Jobs Help Depression?

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Understanding Depression

Depression is a mental health disorder that can affect how you think, feel and act. It affects your daily life by causing feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness. Depression can also lead to physical symptoms such as fatigue, difficulty sleeping or concentrating, changes in appetite or weight loss/gain.


The most common symptoms of depression include persistent feelings of sadness or emptiness; loss of interest in activities once enjoyed; irritability; feeling guilty or worthless; difficulty making decisions; fatigue and lack of energy; restlessness or slowed movements and thoughts; sleep disturbances (insomnia); change in appetite leading to significant weight gain/loss, and thoughts about death or suicide.


There are many possible causes for depression including biological factors such as genetics, hormones, brain chemistry and medical conditions like thyroid problems. Environmental factors such as stress from work/school/family issues may contribute to the development of depression too. Social isolation due to trauma caused by abuse (emotional/physical) may be another factor leading to depressive episodes.

Impact on Daily Life:

Depression can have a major impact on day-to-day life by interfering with relationships at home and work as well as affecting motivation levels when it comes to completing tasks related to job performance or schoolwork. People suffering from depression often experience low self-esteem which makes them more vulnerable when faced with difficult situations at home or work. This can lead them into a downward spiral where they become increasingly isolated from family members & friends which further exacerbates their condition resulting in an inability to cope with everyday challenges & responsibilities effectively .

Treatment Options:

Fortunately, there are various treatment options available for those suffering from depression. These include psychotherapy sessions with trained professionals (e.g., cognitive behavioral therapy), medications prescribed by psychiatrists (e.g., antidepressants), lifestyle changes such as exercising regularly and eating healthy foods, etc. Additionally, support groups provide valuable emotional support for people who need help dealing with their condition while allowing them the opportunity to connect with others going through similar experiences; thus providing much needed social interaction and comfort during difficult times.

Benefits of Changing Jobs

Changing jobs can be a daunting prospect, but it also has the potential to bring many benefits. You need to figure out if it's a good idea for you based on your situation. Job satisfaction is one of the most common reasons people decide to switch careers. 

A new job may offer more interesting and challenging work, or provide an opportunity for professional growth and development. It can also mean better pay and improved working conditions, such as flexible hours or remote working options.

For those looking for a better work-life balance, changing jobs could be the answer. Taking on a role with fewer hours or that offers more control over your schedule could make all the difference in achieving greater life satisfaction outside of work too.

Another benefit of changing jobs is gaining access to different networks and resources which can help you develop professionally. This could include learning from experienced colleagues who have been in similar roles before, being exposed to new technologies or processes that weren't available previously, or having opportunities for career progression within an organization that wasn't available at your old job.

Finally, if you’re feeling stuck in your current role then making a change might just give you back some enthusiasm for what you do each day. Money cannot buy this kind of satisfaction, but taking on fresh challenges at work or developing relationships with new colleagues can provide plenty of positives when it comes to switching up your career path every now and again.

Changing jobs can bring many benefits, such as increased job satisfaction and improved mental health. However, it's important to be aware of the potential challenges that come with making a career change in order to ensure success.

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Challenges of Changing Jobs

It requires courage and determination to make such a big change, but it also brings with it some unique challenges that must be faced.

One of the biggest challenges of changing jobs is finding a new job that meets your needs and interests. You may need to update your resume and search through hundreds of listings before you find one that fits your criteria. Additionally, you will likely need to attend interviews and network with potential employers in order to land the position you want.

Another challenge is adjusting to a new environment when starting at a new job. Even if you are familiar with the company’s mission statement or products/services, there may still be an adjustment period as you learn about their culture and values as well as get used to working alongside different colleagues than what you were accustomed too previously. This could mean learning how they communicate, setting expectations on deadlines, etc., all while trying not to feel overwhelmed by unfamiliar tasks or processes.

Finally, there are financial considerations when making such a drastic career move. Depending on where someone is coming from (e.g., salary levels), this could mean taking home less money each month until they reach their desired level of income again; something which can cause stress during this transition period if not planned properly ahead of time financially speaking

Overall, changing jobs comes with its own set of unique challenges that must be faced head-on in order for someone to successfully navigate this process without feeling overwhelmed or discouraged along the way. It requires courage and determination to make such a big change, but it can also bring great rewards if done properly.

Key Takeaway: Changing jobs can be a daunting task, but it comes with rewards if done properly. It requires courage and determination to make such a big change, and involves updating your resume, attending interviews, adjusting to a new environment and making financial considerations.

Strategies for Successful Job Change

Researching Potential Employers:

When considering a career change, it is important to research potential employers. Look for companies that align with your values and interests, as well as those offering the type of job you are looking for. Consider researching the company’s culture, benefits packages, and any other information that can help you decide if this is an employer you would like to work for.

Networking with Professionals in the Field:

Networking with professionals in your desired field can be beneficial when making a career change. Connecting with people who have already made successful transitions or are currently working in the industry can provide valuable insight into what it takes to make a successful transition. It also gives you access to contacts who may be able to offer advice or even recommend you for positions within their organization.

Once you have identified potential employers and connected with professionals in your chosen field, it is time to update your resume or CV accordingly. Make sure all relevant experience is included and highlight any skills or qualifications that will make you stand out from other applicants. Additionally, consider adding any volunteer work or extra-curricular activities related to your new field of interest as these demonstrate dedication and commitment beyond just having paid employment experience.

TAKEAWAY TWEET: Making a career change? Research potential employers, network with professionals in the field & update your resume to make a successful transition. #careerchange Click to Tweet


Is changing jobs good for mental health?

Yes, changing jobs can be beneficial for mental health. It can provide a sense of purpose and direction, as well as the opportunity to learn new skills or explore different career paths. Additionally, it can help reduce stress levels by providing a fresh start in an unfamiliar environment. Finally, it may offer increased job satisfaction due to better pay or working conditions. Ultimately, whether changing jobs is good for mental health depends on the individual's circumstances and preferences.

Will getting a job help with my depression?

No, getting a job alone will not necessarily help with depression. While having a job can provide structure and purpose to life, it is important to recognise that mental health issues such as depression require professional treatment. 

It is essential to seek out the support of qualified professionals who are experienced in treating depression. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as regular exercise and healthy eating habits may also be beneficial for managing symptoms of depression. Ultimately, a combination of professional treatment and lifestyle changes can help to reduce the symptoms of depression.

Can a job change cause depression?

Yes, a job change can cause depression. Making the decision to switch careers is often difficult and stressful, and this stress can lead to feelings of sadness or hopelessness. Additionally, the process of searching for a new job can be long and arduous, with many rejections along the way that may further contribute to depressive symptoms. 

Finally, adjusting to a new role in an unfamiliar environment can also bring on feelings of anxiety or depression as one adjusts to their new circumstances. It is important to seek help from a mental health professional if these feelings become too overwhelming.

What to do if your job is making your mental health worse?

If your job is making your mental health worse, it's important to take steps to address the issue. Start by talking to a trusted friend or family member about how you're feeling and what changes you'd like to make. 

Consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counsellor who can provide guidance on managing stress and improving mental wellbeing. Make sure that you are taking care of yourself outside of work, such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy meals, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities that bring joy. Finally, if possible start exploring other career options so that you can find an environment where your physical and mental health will be supported.


In conclusion, changing jobs can be a great way to help manage depression. It is important to understand the causes of depression and the benefits and challenges that come with making a job change. With careful planning and strategies for success, you can make a successful career transition while managing your mental health.

If you are considering changing jobs as part of your journey towards better mental health, remember that it is possible to find meaningful work that will provide satisfaction and help alleviate symptoms of depression. You should always seek professional qualified help if you have any questions or doubts about what to do next.

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Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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