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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, January 30 2023

Prepared to Make a Career Move? Here's How to Do It Right!

Are you feeling stuck in your current job and considering a career move? Making the decision to take this big step can be intimidating, but with proper planning it doesn't have to be. 

By understanding what's important for you when making a career move, identifying your goals and preparing yourself for the job search process ahead of time, you can make sure that any changes made are done thoughtfully. 

We'll explore these topics here - from deciding if now is the right time for a change to picking the size of your next career move - so that whatever direction you choose will set up success in achieving your long-term goals.

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Decide If The Time Is Right

Deciding if the time is right to make a career change can be daunting. It’s important to take stock of your current situation and reflect on whether now is the best time for you to pursue a new job or wait until later.

Identifying Your Career Goals

When considering making a career move, it’s essential that you have an idea of what type of role you are looking for. Take some time to think about what kind of job would bring out your passions and interests, as well as how this position could help further your professional development. 

Consider researching potential roles in different industries or organizations that align with your goals and values. This will give you an understanding of what opportunities are available before deciding if now is the right time for a career transition.

Pick The Size Of Your Next Career Move

Once you have identified which industry or sector you want to pursue, consider how much change do you want from your current role? Are there any skills or qualifications that need updating? Do you need additional training? Think about these questions when assessing the size of the next step in your career journey so that it fits into both short-term and long-term plans.

Starting Your Job Search

Once all considerations have been made, start searching for jobs. Utilize online resources such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor etc., attend networking events relevant to the industry/sector where possible and reach out directly to employers who offer positions related to your desired field - don't forget personal contacts too. 

Having an up-to-date CV ready along with tailored cover letters will also help when applying for jobs; make sure they accurately reflect both past experience and future aspirations so employers can get an accurate sense of who they are hiring.

Taking the time to evaluate your current career situation and decide if it is right for you can help you make an informed decision on whether a career move is necessary. Now that you have taken this step, it's time to start identifying your desired career goals.

Key Takeaway: Take the time to identify your career goals, research potential roles and consider how much change you want from your current role before starting a job search. Utilize online resources, attend networking events and reach out directly to employers with an up-to-date CV and tailored cover letters.

Identifying Your Career Goals

Identifying your career goals can be a daunting task, but it is an essential step in finding the right job for you. Before beginning your search, take some time to assess what motivates you and what kind of work environment best suits your needs.

Research Potential Job Roles:

Start by researching potential job roles that align with your interests and skillset. Make sure to read up on the responsibilities associated with each role as well as the qualifications required. This will help you narrow down which jobs are most suitable for you.

Assess Your Skillset:

Once you have identified potential job roles, assess your current skillset and identify any gaps or areas where additional training may be necessary. Consider taking courses or workshops related to those fields if needed to increase your chances of landing a position in that field.

Understand What Motivates You:

Understanding what motivates you is key when it comes to finding a career path that works for you long-term. Think about what drives and inspires you both professionally and personally - this could include things like having autonomy over projects, working collaboratively with others, or having access to professional development opportunities within an organization.

Once all these elements have been taken into consideration, create a plan outlining how exactly you will reach these goals such as setting deadlines for completing certifications or applying for specific positions within organizations etc. Having this plan in place will help keep track of progress towards achieving desired outcomes while also providing structure throughout the process of identifying career goals and objectives.

Once you have identified your career goals, it's time to decide the size of the next move. Consider factors like job role, industry, and location before making a decision.

Key Takeaway: To identify the right career path for you, assess your skillset, understand what motivates you and create a plan to reach your goals.

Pick The Size Of Your Next Career Move

When it comes to making a career move, there are two paths you can take: small moves and big moves. Small moves involve staying within the same industry or company but taking on a different role. Big moves involve changing industries or companies altogether. 

Both options have their pros and cons, so it’s important to consider your goals before deciding which path is right for you.

Small Moves Pros:

If you decide to make a small move, you won’t need to start from scratch in terms of learning new skills and knowledge related to the job. You may also be able to leverage existing relationships with colleagues and customers that will help ease your transition into the new role. Additionally, if your current employer has multiple departments or locations, moving around internally can give you access to more opportunities than if you stayed in one place for too long.

Small Moves Cons:

Making a small move means that while some aspects of the job may change (such as responsibilities), many things will stay the same (like salary). This could mean that even though you’re doing something different, your career growth potential might not increase significantly because of this limited scope of movement.

Big Moves Pros:

Taking on an entirely new industry or company gives you access to completely different opportunities than what was available at your previous position(s). It also allows for greater mobility since most employers are willing to pay more money when they hire someone from outside their organization who brings fresh ideas and perspectives with them. 

Finally, starting over in another field lets you explore areas where there may be less competition due to fewer people having experience in those areas – giving yourself an edge over other applicants vying for similar positions.

Making such a drastic shift can come with its own set of challenges; namely relearning how certain processes work within an unfamiliar environment as well as having no established network at first glance which could lead to difficulty finding mentors/advisors who understand both sides of the equation - old and new fields alike. 

Additionally, depending on how far away from home base one goes geographically speaking, cost-of-living expenses must be taken into account when considering any sort of relocation package offered by potential employers during negotiations phase etc.

Whether making small or big moves is best depends largely on individual circumstances such as desired salary range and levelling up aspirations versus comfort level needs, plus lifestyle considerations like family commitments. All of these should factor into the decision-making process prior to embarking upon either route mentioned above accordingly.

No matter the size of your career move, having a clear plan and understanding what steps to take will help you find success. Now that you have an idea of the size of your next career move, let's look at how to start your job search.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career move, both small and big moves have their pros and cons that must be taken into account. Factors to consider include desired salary range, levelling up aspirations versus comfort level needs, lifestyle commitments and cost-of-living expenses.

Starting Your Job Search

When it comes to starting a job search, there are some important steps you should take. First, identify your career goals and the type of position that would be best suited for them. Are you looking for something similar to what you’ve done in the past or do you want to try something new? Consider the size of your next move – will it be a lateral shift or an entirely different field?

Once you have identified your goals and the type of role that would best suit them, create a list of potential employers who offer positions that fit those criteria. Research each company thoroughly so that when applying for jobs with them, you can show why their organization is well-suited for your skillset. Additionally, make sure to update any relevant documents such as resumes and cover letters so they reflect both current experience and future aspirations.

Network with people in related fields by attending events or joining online groups where professionals discuss topics related to your industry. Connecting with others can provide valuable insight into job opportunities and give advice on how best to approach certain roles or companies during interviews. It also helps build relationships which could lead to referrals down the line if needed.

Finally, use social media platforms like LinkedIn strategically when searching for jobs; post updates about yourself professionally but also don’t forget to network by messaging contacts directly as well as participating in group discussions within relevant communities on these sites. This will help increase visibility among recruiters who may come across profiles while searching for candidates themselves.

Key Takeaway: When making a career move, research potential employers, update documents, network with professionals and use social media strategically to increase visibility.


How do I make a career move?

Making a career move can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Start by assessing your skills and interests and researching potential roles that align with them. Consider what you want from the job in terms of salary, location, hours, etc., then create a plan to reach those goals. Networking is key; make connections with people who are already working in the field or industry you're interested in transitioning into. Research companies and recruiters who specialize in this area as well as resources such as online courses or certifications that could help boost your qualifications for the role you desire. Finally, take action: apply for jobs and attend interviews prepared to demonstrate why you’re the best candidate for the position.

When should you make a career move?

When deciding to make a career move, it is important to consider the timing of your decision. Generally speaking, if you are feeling stuck in your current job or have been considering a change for some time, now may be the right time to take action. It’s also important to think about what kind of role would best suit your skills and interests. Finally, make sure that any potential changes align with both short-term and long-term goals. Ultimately, when making a career move it is essential to weigh all options carefully before taking the plunge.

How do I choose my next career move?

Start by assessing your skills and interests. What do you enjoy doing? What are you good at? Make a list of potential jobs that align with these criteria and research each one thoroughly. Consider the job market in your area and the type of salary you'd like to earn. Once you've narrowed down your options, reach out to people who work in those fields for advice on how best to transition into them. Finally, create an action plan outlining steps needed to make the switch happen—and don't forget to take time for self-care during this process. With careful planning and preparation, you'll soon find yourself in a new career path that's perfect for you.

What does strategic career move mean?

A strategic career move is a deliberate and well-thought out decision to change one's job or profession. It involves researching the current job market, considering different options, and assessing potential risks and rewards of making such a move. It also requires setting goals for oneself that are realistic yet ambitious enough to challenge them in order to grow professionally. Ultimately, it means taking ownership of one’s own career path with the aim of achieving greater success and satisfaction in their chosen field.


Taking the time to identify your goals and pick the size of your next career move will help you make an informed decision that is best for you. With careful planning and dedication, you can successfully navigate a successful career change. Don’t forget to take advantage of all available resources such as job search websites or professional career coaches who specialise in helping people make their desired career moves. 

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

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