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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 22 2023

How Do I Know What Job Is Right for Me? Do These Things

Ever wonder, "how do I know what job is right for me?" It's a tricky question to tackle. There are so many factors that go into choosing the perfect career path - from your skills and interests to lifestyle considerations. But don't worry. With our expert guidance, you can navigate the complexities of finding a career path that best fits your skills and interests as well as lifestyle needs, especially when you don't know where to start figuring out what job you want.

So if you're looking for answers about where your professional life should take you next, read on and learn more about finding the right fit in terms of work-life balance, skill set alignment and other important criteria when it comes time do decide: How do I know what job is right for me?

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

List What's Not Right For You

Before deciding on a new professional path, it's crucial to pinpoint what you don't want before considering your desired career goals. Exploring potential career options can be made easier by first determining what is not desired, thus helping to limit the search.

First off, consider if there are any particular industries that don’t interest you or where your skills won’t be put to good use. If there are certain tasks or duties that make you feel uncomfortable, jot them down too. For example, maybe working with numbers isn’t your cup of tea or perhaps public speaking makes your stomach churn – whatever it is, get it all on paper.

Another thing to think about is how much travel will be involved in a role and whether this fits into your lifestyle. Do you need flexibility for family commitments? Or would regular hours suit better? Is location important for convenience reasons? These factors should also go onto the list so they can be taken into account when considering new roles.

Finally, look at salary expectations and benefits packages as well as company culture and values - these things may not always show up in job descriptions but they're worth investigating further when researching potential employers. It's no good having an amazing job title if none of these other aspects fit with who you are and what matters most to you personally.

So take some time now to start writing down everything that doesn't feel right for a future career move - once this list is complete then half the battle has already been won.

Once you have a rundown of what won't work for you, it's an ideal opportunity to investigate the choices that do match your way of life. Consider factors such as location, hours and salary when deciding if a job is suitable for you.

Key Takeaway: It's essential to establish your 'deal breakers' when considering a career change; make sure you consider the industry, tasks and duties that don't appeal to you, as well as factors such as travel requirements and salary expectations. Once this list is complete then it'll be much easier to identify which job would be the right fit for you - so get cracking.

Does It Fit Your Lifestyle?

It’s important to make sure that a job you’re considering fits your lifestyle. A great career opportunity may not be so great if it doesn't match the way you live. You should consider things like hours, location, and salary when making your decision.

Before deciding on a job, consider the number of hours you can dedicate each week and if it exceeds your availability. Do you need flexibility in order to take care of family obligations? If so, then a 9-5 office job might not be right for you. Consider positions with remote work options or flexible scheduling instead.

Location is another factor to consider when making a career change. Are there any jobs available near where you currently live? How much of a journey are you prepared to undertake daily? Think about how much time commuting would add onto your workday as well as what kind of impact it could have on your overall quality of life—both positively and negatively.

Finally, take into account the pay rate for different jobs and decide which ones fit within your budget constraints or lack thereof. Is this something that pays enough for all of your expenses plus some extra savings? Contemplate if supplementary revenue sources, such as extra work or freelance projects, are necessary to cover your costs. Before accepting a new position, consider inquiring whether it provides enough financial stability to cover expenses and allow for savings or if additional income sources are needed.

Having a clear understanding of your lifestyle needs and expectations is essential when considering any job change. It's time to progress onward in assessing what type of profession would be most suitable for you by evaluating your capabilities and passions.

"Don't just take any job. Consider hours, location, and salary when making a career change. Make sure it fits your lifestyle & budget #careerchange" Click to Tweet

Identifying Your Skills and Interests

Making a career change can be an intimidating prospect. Before you start researching job options, it's important to take the time to identify your skills, interests, and values. By assessing your skills, interests and values, you can focus on jobs that are suitable for you.

Create a register of your strengths and activities that bring you pleasure. Do you possess any extraordinary aptitudes or leisure activities? Identify any areas where you have excelled in your current role to determine if they can be applied to potential new roles. Identify any areas of expertise which could be beneficial for potential new roles, such as problem-solving ability, communication skills and organisational capabilities. These are all valuable assets when considering potential new roles.

Next up is figuring out what is important to you in a job - think about how much autonomy or team collaboration do you need? Do certain benefits matter more than others (e.g., flexible hours)? What kind of work environment appeals most to you? It’s also helpful to consider if location plays an important role; do want stay close by or relocate somewhere else entirely?

Finally, don’t forget about your values. Consider what type of company culture resonates with who are as a person and professional - do they align with the organisation’s core mission and vision statement? Answering these questions will give insight into which companies might offer the best fit for both professionally and personally speaking.

Taking stock of all this information should help focus your search on positions that match up with who YOU are as an individual – not just what looks good on paper, but also in terms of lifestyle choices. It is important to consider if the company culture resonates with you and aligns with the organization’s core mission and vision statement. Answering these questions will give insight into which companies might offer the best fit for both professionally and personally speaking.

Once you have identified your individual abilities and interests, it is possible to limit the job possibilities that are most suitable for you. Having identified your talents and inclinations, you can now start to investigate the various job opportunities accessible in order to make an educated choice regarding which vocation way is most appropriate for you.

Key Takeaway: When it comes to a career change, taking the time to identify your skills, interests and values is key in order for you to narrow down potential job options that are right up your alley. Evaluate what matters most - autonomy or team collaboration? What kind of work environment appeals most? Does location matter? Do their core mission and vision statement align with yours on both a professional level as well as personally speaking. With this information at hand, you'll be able to hone in on positions that truly match who YOU are.

Researching Different Job Options

Investigating potential employment opportunities requires diligent effort. Uncovering the talents and inclinations that are essential to you is an outstanding way to initiate. Once you have identified what those things are, you can then begin looking into jobs that align with them.

Take the time to look into the education or experience required for each job option as well as the salary range and potential career paths associated with it. By researching the educational and experiential requirements, salary range, and potential career paths of each job option, you can decide if it is suitable for your lifestyle goals and has long-term prospects. For example, if one of your goals is financial security, make sure whatever job option you choose has long-term potential in terms of salary growth and stability.

It's essential to contemplate other elements, such as area, hours per week worked, and firm ethos etc., when selecting which job best fits your needs. You don't want to find yourself stuck in a dead end position where there's no room for growth or advancement within the company; so be sure that any position offers some sort of progression plan before signing on the dotted line.

Finally - don't forget about networking. Reach out via social media platforms like LinkedIn or attend local events related to industries/jobs that interest you. These can often provide invaluable insights from people who have already been through similar experiences themselves and may even help open doors previously closed off by traditional methods alone.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW


Although transitioning to a new career may seem intimidating, with the right research and self-reflection you can find an occupation that fits your skillset and interests. 

By assessing your aptitudes and preferences, exploring different job opportunities, and ensuring you don't settle for something that isn't suitable for you, it won't be long before you can answer affirmatively when asked if you know what job is right for you. 

Author: Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

Naomi is the founder of Tribe And Seek and an EMCC and CIPD accredited career coach specialising in career change. 

Her career advice comes from her work alongside ex-olympic athletes supporting corporate clients like Kraft Heinz, and creating leadership courses at the Duke Of Edinburgh's Award.

She also left a previous career in international development consulting behind, where she led UK corporate fundraising at Habitat For Humanity.

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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