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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 13 2023

Comprehensive Guide on How to Choose a Career Coach

Are you considering a career change and looking for the right person to help guide your journey? Choosing a career coach can be daunting. It is important to research different coaches, figure out their style, ask questions, schedule an initial consultation and make an informed decision when selecting one that fits with your needs.

Knowing what to look for in a coach will help ensure that you get the most value from your investment of time and money into this process. With so many options available it can seem overwhelming but by taking some key steps before making any commitments you'll be able set yourself up on the path towards success. Choose a career coach wisely as they should not only provide valuable insight but also motivation throughout each step of the way.

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Research Different Coaches

Researching different coaches is an important step in finding the right one for you. With so many options out there, it can be overwhelming to narrow down your choices. Start by looking at their credentials and experience. Check if they have any certifications or specialisations that align with your goals. Read reviews from past clients to get a better idea of how they work and what kind of results they’ve achieved for others in similar situations as yours.

Next, figure out their style of coaching and approach to helping job seekers navigate career changes. Do they offer individual sessions? Group workshops? Online courses? How do they structure their sessions? What topics do they cover during each session? Are there any additional resources available such as handouts or online tools? Knowing this information will help you decide if the coach is a good fit for you and your needs.

Once you’ve done some research on potential coaches, ask questions about them before making a decision. Ask about their background, qualifications, experience working with people like yourself, success rate with previous clients, availability (if applicable), fees/payment plans etc This will give you more insight into who the coach is and whether or not he/she can provide value to your journey towards achieving your goals.

Once you have done your research and asked the necessary questions, it is time to arrange an initial consultation with the coach(es) that seem like they would be a good fit for you. During this meeting, discuss further details such as expectations from both parties (you and the coach), timelines and milestones set up throughout the program. 

This will give both parties involved clarity on how things are going to proceed moving forward while also providing each other with an opportunity to assess if working together would be beneficial in achieving desired outcomes efficiently and effectively within given timelines and budgets.

Finally, make sure to take some time off before making an informed decision regarding which coach(es) should be hired based on the criteria mentioned above along with personal preferences. After deciding upon one, ensure signing off contracts/agreements between both parties outlining roles, responsibilities, deliverables, timelines, payment methods, confidentiality clauses etc. 

Doing so ensures everyone involved understands what is expected from them thus allowing for smoother execution of services provided without any misunderstandings leading towards successful completion of project objectives.

It's important to take the time to research different coaches, as each one will have their own unique style and approach. By understanding their style, you can determine if they are the right fit for your career transition needs - so let's look at how to figure out their style next.

Key Takeaway: Research different coaches, ask questions about them and arrange an initial consultation to discuss expectations. Then take some time before making a decision.

Figure Out Their Style

When it comes to career coaching, each coach has their own unique style. It’s important to assess if the style of a particular coach is one that suits you and your needs. Some coaches may be more directive in their approach while others are more collaborative.

Directive coaches tend to provide clear guidance on what steps need to be taken in order for an individual to reach their desired outcome. They will often provide specific advice and feedback as well as structure and accountability so that progress can be made quickly and efficiently. If you are looking for someone who can help you create an action plan with concrete goals, then a directive coach might be right for you.

Collaborative coaches take a different approach by working together with clients to identify strengths, weaknesses, values, interests, and goals in order to develop an individualised strategy for success. This type of coaching focuses on creating meaningful conversations between the client and the coach so that both parties can work together towards achieving mutually agreed upon objectives over time. If you prefer having more autonomy when making decisions about your career path or want someone who will listen without judgement then this could be the right fit for you.

Once you've figured out the coach's style, it's time to dive deeper and ask questions about their experience and qualifications. By doing so, you can gain a better understanding of how they will approach your unique situation.

Key Takeaway: When choosing a career coach, consider their style - directive coaches provide clear guidance and structure while collaborative coaches work together with clients to identify strengths, weaknesses, values and goals.

Ask Questions

Asking questions is an important part of the process when selecting a career coach. It can help you determine if they are the right fit for your needs and goals. Questions should include:

What services do you offer? Different coaches may specialise in different areas, such as resume writing, interview preparation, or job search strategies. Make sure to ask about their specific offerings so that you know what to expect from them.

How long have you been in business? Experience matters when it comes to coaching – look for someone who has been helping clients with their careers for several years or more. This will give you peace of mind knowing that they have seen many success stories over time and understand how best to help people achieve their goals.

What kind of results have other clients achieved? Ask the coach about some examples of successful outcomes from past clients – this will give you an idea of what kind of progress could be made with your own career journey.

Do you offer any guarantees or refunds? Many coaches offer money-back guarantees if a client isn’t satisfied with the results after working together for a certain period of time; make sure to inquire about this before committing to any sessions so that there are no surprises down the line. Additionally, find out if there are any fees associated with canceling appointments ahead of time or rescheduling them at short notice – these details can save both parties time and hassle later on down the road.

Finally, don’t forget to ask yourself whether this particular coach feels like a good fit based on your conversations thus far. If something doesn’t feel quite right during initial interactions then it might be worth considering another option instead - trust your gut instinct here. Ultimately though, asking questions is key when selecting a career coach; doing so will ensure that everyone involved knows exactly what is expected from each session and can work towards achieving desired outcomes together effectively and efficiently.

Take the time to ask questions and get to know your career coach. This will help you determine if they are a good fit for your needs and make sure you're comfortable moving forward with scheduling an initial consultation.

Key Takeaway: When selecting a career coach, it is important to ask questions about their services, experience, results achieved by past clients and any guarantees or refunds they offer. Additionally, trust your gut instinct to ensure that the coach is a good fit for you.

Schedule an Initial Consultation

If you’re considering a career change, scheduling an initial consultation with a coach is the first step. This meeting provides an opportunity to get to know your coach and discuss your goals in detail. It also gives you the chance to ask any questions that may come up during the conversation.

What To Expect:

During your initial consultation, expect to spend about 20-30 minutes discussing your current situation and desired outcomes for the future. Your coach will likely start by asking some basic questions about why you're looking for a career change and what type of work interests you most. They'll then use this information as a starting point for creating an action plan tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

Questions To Ask:

Asking thoughtful questions during this meeting can help ensure that both parties are on the same page before moving forward with coaching services. Some important topics include

• What experience do they have helping people make successful career transitions?

• How often would we meet?

• What methods or tools do they use when working with clients?

• What kind of results have their clients achieved after working together?

Taking time out of your day for an initial consultation has many benefits beyond just getting acquainted with potential coaches. You'll be able to assess whether or not their style is compatible with yours, gain clarity on how they approach coaching sessions, and determine if there's chemistry between you two before committing long-term - all without having made any financial investments yet. Plus, it's always helpful to hear from someone who has been through similar experiences themselves; hearing stories from others can provide valuable insight into what works (and doesn't) when making big life changes like switching career paths entirely.

Scheduling an initial consultation is the first step in finding the right career coach for you. Make sure to do your research and ask questions so that you can make an informed decision about who will best meet your needs.

Key Takeaway: A career coach consultation is a great way to get to know your potential coach, discuss goals and ask questions about their experience and methods. Ask about their past successes, meeting frequency, tools used and chemistry between you two before committing long-term.

Make an Informed Decision

Making an informed decision about which career coach to work with is essential for achieving your goals. It’s important to consider factors such as cost, availability, expertise and overall fit when making your choice.


When looking into different coaches, it’s important to factor in the cost of their services. While some may offer discounted rates or packages that include multiple sessions, others may charge a higher rate for more specialised services. Be sure to research what you can expect from each coach before committing financially.


You should also take into account how available each coach is when deciding who you want to work with. Some coaches may be able to provide same-day appointments while others require more advanced scheduling due to their busy schedules. Consider how much time you have available and look for someone who can accommodate your needs accordingly.


Researching the experience level of potential coaches is key in finding one that best suits your needs and goals. Look at reviews from past clients or ask questions during consultations so that you can get a better idea of the type of advice they provide and if it aligns with what you are looking for in a career change journey partner/coach .

Lastly, make sure there is an overall good fit between yourself and the coach before making any commitments. This means taking into consideration things like communication style (do they prefer email over phone calls?), personality (are they easygoing or do they come off as intimidating?) and approachability (are they open minded?). All these elements play an important role in determining whether this person will be successful in helping guide you through this transition period or not.

Key Takeaway: When choosing a career coach, consider factors such as cost, availability, expertise and overall fit to ensure the best match for your needs. Make sure you research each coach thoroughly before committing financially or otherwise.


When it comes to choosing a career coach, the decision is ultimately yours. Research different coaches and figure out their style, ask questions, schedule an initial consultation and make an informed decision. It's important to remember that this is your journey and you should choose someone who can help guide you in the right direction. 

With the right coach by your side, you'll be able to find success in navigating a career change or job search with confidence. Choose a career coach that best fits your needs and goals so that together you can create positive outcomes for yourself.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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