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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, October 31 2022

10 Reassuring Ways A Job Coach Can Overhaul Your Career

Are you unsure of how to move forward and make the changes you need in order to progress in your career? If so, a job coach may be just what you need.

A job coach can provide you with the reassurance and guidance you need to make successful changes in your career. In this blog post, we will discuss 10 ways that a job coach and career coaching in general can help overhaul your career for the better!

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What do job coaches do?

A job coach is a professional who helps individuals assess their skills, interests, and values in order to find or transition into a new career. Job coaches also help individuals find a new career path, develop job search strategies, create action plans, and overcome barriers to employment.

They can support you through the hiring process based on your individual requirements and prepare you with tips and techniques for tasks related to interviews, job searching, or even understanding yourself better.

How can a job coach help you?

1) Find fresh inspiration

Often people get stuck in a career rut because they feel uninspired by their job. If you are feeling stuck, a job coach can help you explore other options and find a career that is better suited to your interests and values.

Tapping into your creativity can sometimes feel like an elusive, unattainable goal. When faced with a blank page or canvas, it can be difficult to know where to start.

One way to get over this hurdle is by seeking out inspiration from others. It's helpful to talk through any roadblocks or challenges you may be facing in your own work, as hearing another person's perspective can often give you fresh insight into how to approach a problem.

Even just having someone to bounce ideas off of can provide a necessary jolt of motivation and energy. This is where a job coach can play a great role in stimulating new conversations and job ideas.

2) Dig deeper into your motivations

Understanding our motivations is key to making sound decisions. Making decisions based solely on external factors, such as pressure from others or a desire for instant gratification, can often lead us astray.

By taking the time to reflect on our own values and goals, we can make decisions that align with what truly matters to us.

Additionally, understanding our motivations allows us to uncover any potential biases or blind spots, ensuring that we approach decision-making from a place of objectivity and self-awareness.

Of course, this isn't always easy - life is full of tough choices, and it can be difficult to discern our true motivations. However, the effort put into understanding ourselves is worth it in the long run, as it helps lead to a lifetime of more fulfilling and rewarding choices.

A job coach can help guide you through this process, providing support and encouragement as you explore your motivations.

3) Set specific goals

In order to achieve success and reach our highest potential, it is crucial to set goals. Having concrete, specific goals gives us direction and motivation in our pursuits. It allows us to prioritize our efforts and track our progress towards these aims.

However, simply setting goals is not enough – sharing them with others can be incredibly helpful in keeping us accountable and focused in achieving them.

When we share our goals with a job coach, they can act as cheerleaders and support systems in reaching them. They can also offer their own perspectives or insights in achieving the goals, potentially offering valuable advice and guidance.

In addition, sharing our goals publicly sets an intention for ourselves and can add extra pressure for us to follow through on them – making us more likely to truly commit and strive towards achieving them. Setting and sharing goals helps keep us motivated and focused on the path towards success.

4) Keeping you honest

It can be easy to talk ourselves out of our goals and put off taking action, especially when there's no one holding us accountable. When we share our goals with someone else, they can offer valuable feedback and support to keep us on track.

They might ask us how we're progressing or give us encouragement during times of difficulty. Sharing our goals also creates a sense of accountability and responsibility to the person we've told, making it harder for us to give up or make excuses.

In fact, having a job coach or accountability partner has been proven to increase the likelihood of success in achieving our goals. So don't hesitate to let a coach in on your plans - the support and accountability they provide could be the key to reaching your goal.

5) Focus on the important things

When it comes to achieving a goal, it can be tempting to try and juggle multiple tasks at once. However, this approach often results in scattered efforts and unfinished projects.

Prioritising your efforts is crucial for making consistent progress in your careers development. By focusing on a smaller number of important tasks, you can devote the necessary time and energy to seeing them through to completion. This not only helps with productivity but also allows for a deeper level of engagement in each task.

When prioritising, it's important to evaluate which tasks are most urgent or have the highest potential impact. This doesn't mean neglecting all other tasks, but rather identifying and prioritising the ones that will move you closer to your goals.

For example, if you need to develop specific skills so that potential employers might hire you for a new position, focusing on training and practice around that valuable skill should be a high priority. The job coach's role would be to assist you in judging which different tasks might be worth doing before this, or whether this is priority number one.

Consistently prioritising your efforts will allow you to achieve more in the long run, and it is far easier to do this when evaluating your to do list with a professional job coach.

6) Reassurance from a professional builds confidence

Working with a job coach can be a valuable resource in improving job confidence. Unlike friends and family, a job coach is trained in providing feedback without being biased. They give you the true story.

They can also help identify strengths and weaknesses, offering personalized strategies to address them.

Through individualized attention, job coaching can offer practical tools for building self-confidence and success in the job market. It is an investment that pays off in long term career growth.

7) Make progress faster with some support

When it's time to learn a new job skill or tackle a project you've never done before, it can be tempting to try and figure everything out on your own.

But working with a job coach or professional in the field can save you a tremendous amount of time and frustration. For one, they already have the expertise and experience necessary to guide you through the process efficiently.

They can also provide valuable insight and shortcuts that you may not have thought of on your own. In addition, they can provide objective feedback and support to keep you accountable and on track towards completing your goal.

So next time you're feeling unsure about tackling something new, consider investing in a job coach for faster success in reaching your objectives.

8) Get an outsider's perspective

One of the most valuable aspects of job coaching is the ability to provide an objective, unbiased perspective.

Because job coaches are not emotionally invested in your job situation, they can offer impartial feedback and suggestions that you may not be able to see on your own. They can help you identify patterns or behaviours that may be holding you back, as well as offer new perspectives on how to approach your job goals.

In addition, job coaches can provide an objective sounding board for exploring new ideas or brainstorming solutions to problems. This fresh perspective can be invaluable in helping you move forward in your career.

9) Create a action plan with measurable milestones

When it comes to job coaching, one of the most important things you can do is set clear and achievable goals. This will not only help you stay focused and on track, but also provide a way to measure your progress along the way.

Your job coach can help you develop a realistic action plan with specific milestones that you can strive to achieve. This will not only help keep you accountable, but also give you a sense of accomplishment as you check each goal off your list.

The key is to make sure your goals are specific, achievable, and measurable. This way, you can track your progress and see the results of your job coaching efforts.

10) Job coaching is an investment in your future

Investing in job coaching is an investment in your future. By taking the time to work with a job coach, you are investing in your career and your ability to achieve your long-term goals.

In the end, job coaching is an investment that will pay off in your future career success. So if you're feeling stuck in your job search or career, consider job coaching as a way to get back on track.

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Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd

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