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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 8 2023

5 Main Stages To Consider When Exploring New Career Ideas

Are you feeling stuck in your current job? Do you want to make a career change but don't know where to start? It's normal for professionals of all ages and backgrounds to experience feelings of frustration, boredom or lack of motivation at work. If this is how you feel, it may be time to explore new career ideas.

Finding the perfect role can seem daunting when there are so many options available. To help guide your search process, here are five key steps for making a successful transition into an entirely different field: list out some career options; define how big a switch you want; make a plan for your shift; narrow down choices and apply for jobs. With these tips in hand, we'll show that exploring new paths doesn't have to be overwhelming - instead it could open up exciting opportunities.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

List Out Some Career Options

Making the decision to switch careers can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. There are plenty of options available for those looking to make a move. Before making any decisions, it is important to understand what kind of job you want and how much effort you are willing to put into your new career path.

Brainstorm: Take some time to brainstorm different careers that interest you. If necessary, start by making a list of all the skills and experiences you have that could help you decide what kind of job would suit you best.

Research industries: Researching different industries can help narrow down potential job opportunities based on what kind of skills or qualifications are in demand, as well as other related information such as available salaries or working conditions.

Reach out to professionals: Networking is an invaluable tool when exploring career options - reach out to people currently working in fields that interest you and ask them questions about the industry, their experience, and any advice they may have for someone wanting to enter those fields.

Speak with advisors or mentors: Speaking with experienced professionals like college counsellors or career advisors can provide valuable insights into available jobs or scholarships that may help get your foot in the door in certain industries. They might also be able to refer you to knowledgeable contacts within certain fields who can provide additional guidance and support.

There are many career options available to you, and exploring them is the first step towards making a successful career change. Now let's look at how big of a switch you want to make.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change, it is important to define the scope of the switch and create an action plan for success. Research potential jobs and companies, build up relevant skills, network with industry professionals and apply for positions utilising customised CVs and cover letters.

Define How Big A Career Switch You Want

When considering a career switch, it’s important to define how big of a change you want. Are you looking for something completely different from your current job or do you just want to make some small tweaks?

If you’re looking for something totally new, then think about what kind of work would be the most fulfilling and satisfying for you. Consider your skillset and passions when making this decision. Do research on potential careers that match up with those criteria. Talk to people who are already in these fields and get their advice on what it takes to succeed in them.

On the other hand, if you’re only looking for minor changes within your current industry, consider which aspects of your job could use improvement or adjustment. Maybe there is an area where more training or education would help advance your career path? Or perhaps there are certain roles within the company that have better opportunities than others? Look into these options before deciding whether a major shift is necessary or not.

It's also important to take into account any lifestyle changes that may come along with switching careers - such as relocation costs, salary differences, etc If possible try talking with someone who has made a similar transition so they can provide insight into what challenges they faced during their own journey and how they overcame them. Could a dramatic change like exploring night jobs be an option? Or perhaps you just need more flexibility and remote jobs could be a better fit.

Finally, don't forget about yourself. It is essential to set realistic goals based on both short-term and long-term objectives while still allowing room for growth throughout the process, no matter how big or small the switch may be.

It's important to determine the scope of your career switch before making a plan. Take time to consider how big or small you want the change to be, and then make a plan for achieving it. Next, let's look at how you can create an actionable plan for your career shift.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career switch, it's important to define how big of a change you want and take into account any lifestyle changes that may come along with the transition. Consider your skillset and passions, do research on potential careers, talk to people already in those fields and set realistic goals based on short-term and long-term objectives.

Make A Plan For Your Career Shift

When it comes to making a career shift, the most important thing is having a plan. Without one, you may find yourself feeling overwhelmed and uncertain about what steps to take next. To make sure your transition goes as smoothly as possible, start by taking some time to think through your goals and objectives for the change.

Define Your Goals:

Start by asking yourself why you want to make this career switch in the first place. Are you looking for more money? A better work-life balance? More job satisfaction? Once you have identified your primary motivation for making a change, create specific goals that will help you reach them. For example, if financial stability is your goal then set an income target or determine how much money you need to save each month in order to achieve it.

Once you have identified your primary motivation for making a change, it is time to start researching potential careers that could meet those needs. Think about factors such as salary range, job duties and responsibilities, hours of work required per week etc., in order to gain an understanding of what's out there. This will enable you to confidently explain why this particular role would be beneficial both professionally and personally when the time comes for interviews or applications.

Create An Action Plan:

Now that you know which direction(s)you want go in terms of finding employment; develop an action plan with achievable milestones along the way towards achieving these goals e.g.

update resume/CV within two weeks; network with industry professionals over three months etc Having a timeline like this helps keep momentum going while also allowing room for flexibility should something unexpected come up during the process of transitioning into another field or profession entirely.

Update Your Skillset:

Depending on where exactly it is that we are trying to move our career forward too - updating skillsets may be necessary before applying for any positions related thereto e.g.

attending classes/workshops related specifically towards said field; reading books written by experts within same domain etc Doing so not only increases chances of success but also allows us gain knowledge needed when interviewing prospective employers who might ask questions pertaining directly back onto said subject matter.

Finally, don't forget about networking. Reaching out via social media platforms such as LinkedIn can open doors previously closed off due to its ability to connect people from all around the world together under a single umbrella, thus increasing the likelihood of finding the right opportunity faster than ever before imagined possible.

Once you have a plan in place, it's time to start narrowing down your career choices and exploring the various options available to you.

Key Takeaway: Making a career change requires research, goal setting and action planning. Develop an achievable timeline for yourself that includes updating your skillset, networking and researching potential careers to ensure you make the transition as smoothly as possible.

Start Narrowing Down Your Career Choices

Once you’ve made the decision to switch careers, it can be overwhelming to decide which path is right for you. To make sure your career change is successful, it’s important to narrow down your options and find a career that fits with your skills and interests. Here are some tips on how to do just that:

Research Different Career Paths:

Start by researching different job roles in various industries. Look into what each role entails, what qualifications or experience may be required, and whether there are any opportunities available in the field. You should also consider salary expectations as well as potential future growth within the industry. This will help you determine if a particular job role is something you would like to pursue further.

Identify Your Skills & Interests:

Take an inventory of your current skillset and identify areas where you could use improvement or additional training. Consider which topics interest you most and think about how they might relate to potential career paths or jobs that fit with those interests. It's important to have realistic expectations when exploring new fields so take time to understand what knowledge or experience may be necessary before making any decisions about switching careers.

Network With Professionals In The Field:

Reach out to professionals who work in the field(s) that interest you most for advice on how best to transition into their profession or industry. Ask questions about their experiences working in the field and get insight into what challenges they faced when starting out in their chosen career path – this can provide valuable information on how best prepare yourself for success.

Explore Job Opportunities:

Once you've identified a few possible career paths, start exploring job openings related those fields of interest - both online (e-recruitment sites) and offline (networking events). If possible attend informational interviews with hiring managers from companies whose positions match up with your desired skill set/experience level - this can give great insight into whether these types of jobs are actually suitable for someone at your stage of life/career development journey.

Consider more extreme options. Perhaps shifting to evening jobs might help you test the waters in new areas. How might working weekends help free you up during the week to do more at home? You don't have to stick to the conventional wisdom if there are other choices that might provide solutions.

Analyse the pros and cons of each option carefully before deciding which one is right for you. Be honest about why certain options appeal more than others; if money isn't a motivating factor, don't let it sway your decision too much either way. Focus instead on finding something truly meaningful and rewarding.

By researching and evaluating different career paths, you can start to narrow down your options and identify the best fit for your skillset. Now that you have a clearer idea of what kind of job you are looking for, it's time to start applying for jobs.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change, it's important to research job roles, identify your skills and interests, network with professionals in the field and explore job opportunities. Analyse the pros and cons of each option carefully before deciding which one is right for you.

Start Applying For Jobs

When you’re ready to start applying for jobs, the first step is to make sure your resume and cover letter are up-to-date. Make sure that all of your information is accurate and relevant to the job you’re applying for. You should also tailor each application specifically to the job posting so that it stands out from other applicants.

Next, research potential employers thoroughly before submitting an application. Look into their mission statement, values, and culture so that you can better understand what they are looking for in a candidate. This will help you craft a more personalised cover letter and increase your chances of getting noticed by recruiters or hiring managers.

Once you have done your research on potential employers, create a list of companies where you would like to apply. Then begin searching through online job postings or use networking connections such as LinkedIn or professional organisations in order to find open positions that match your qualifications and interests. When possible, try reaching out directly with any contacts at those companies who may be able to provide insight into their hiring process or refer you for consideration if appropriate.

When sending applications off, it is important to not only follow up with each employer but also keep track of which ones have responded back as well as any next steps they may request from candidates such as additional documents or interviews scheduled. 

If there has been no response after two weeks, consider following up again via email or phone call in case something was missed initially due to the high volume of applications received by company personnel during busy times throughout the year when many people tend to look for new opportunities within industry sectors.

Finally, don't forget about keeping yourself organised throughout the entire process. Create folders/labels within email inboxes (if applicable) dedicated solely towards tracking progress made while pursuing career change goals. This way nothing slips through the cracks when trying to manage multiple leads simultaneously over the course of several months potentially leading to a successful transition into your desired field eventually.

Key Takeaway: When pursuing a career change, it is important to research potential employers, create a list of companies you'd like to apply to, follow up with each employer and keep yourself organised.


Finding the right career path can be a daunting task, but with the right guidance and new career ideas, you can make it happen. Taking the time to research your options, define what kind of switch you want to make, create a plan for success and start applying for jobs will help ensure that your transition is smooth and successful. With patience and dedication, you'll find yourself in an exciting new job before you know it.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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