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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 6 2023

Unlock Your Potential: What Is a Good Career to Start at 45?

At 45, you may be feeling stuck in your current career or maybe looking for a fresh start. Whether you're seeking new challenges, wanting to make more money or just feeling like it's time for something different - there is no better time than now to consider starting over and embarking on a good career at 45.

But with so many options out there, how do you know which one will suit your needs? In this blog post we'll explore the steps needed to identify what 'good' means for you when choosing a career at this stage of life and provide tips on exploring different job opportunities as well as networking strategies and resources available that can help guide your decision making process. So if you’re ready to take charge of your future and find the best fit for yourself – let’s get started.

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Define What Good Means For You

When it comes to career changes, the first step is to define what “good” means for you. What do you want out of your new job? Are there certain criteria that need to be met in order for you to feel satisfied and fulfilled?

It's important to think about these questions before beginning a job search. Your answers will help guide your decisions throughout the process and keep you focused on what matters most.

Take some time to reflect on what makes a good job for you personally. Consider factors such as salary, location, hours, benefits, company culture, work-life balance and any other elements that are important to you. Rank them in order of importance so that when opportunities arise during your search, they can be weighed against this list quickly and easily.

Once you have an idea of what constitutes a good job for yourself, it's time to start exploring different career options that fit within those parameters. This could include researching industries or companies online or attending networking events where professionals from various fields come together and share their experiences with one another. 

It may also involve talking with people who are already working in the field(s) that interest you most; they can provide invaluable insight into potential roles as well as tips on how best to pursue them successfully.

Once you have identified what 'good' means to you, it's time to rank your priorities and decide which career path best suits your goals.

Are you looking to make a career change at 45? Take the time to define what makes a “good” job for you and explore different options that fit within those parameters. #careerchange #jobsearch Click to Tweet

Know Your Values

When considering a career change, it is important to take the time to reflect on your values and what matters most to you. Ask yourself questions such as “What do I value in my work?” or “What kind of lifestyle do I want?” This will help you identify the type of job that would be best suited for you. Knowing your values will also make it easier for you to prioritise tasks and responsibilities when looking for a new job.

Consider Your Skillset

Once you have identified your values, consider which skills are necessary for success in the field that interests you. Do some research into what employers look for in potential candidates and use this information to create an action plan outlining how best to develop these skills. If there are certain areas where your skill set is lacking, think about ways in which you can bridge any gaps so that when applying for jobs, you can demonstrate why hiring managers should choose you over other applicants.

Research Job Opportunities

Take some time researching different job opportunities available within your chosen industry or sector. Look at salary ranges and read through job descriptions carefully so that when making applications, they are tailored specifically towards each role being applied for. Also consider networking with people who already work within the industry as they may be able to provide valuable insight into their experiences and offer advice on how best to progress further up the career ladder once hired.

Create A Plan Of Action

It's important to rank your priorities when considering a career change at 45. Knowing what is most important to you can help guide you in the right direction as you explore different career options.

Key Takeaway: When considering a career change at 45, it is important to know your values, consider your skillset, research job opportunities and create an action plan in order to find the best job for you.

Exploring Different Career Options

When it comes to exploring different career options, the possibilities are endless. With so many potential paths to choose from, it can be overwhelming trying to decide which one is right for you. To make sure you’re making an informed decision, start by researching job descriptions and salaries of various careers that fit your skillset and interests.

Start by looking at job postings in your desired field or industry. Read through the qualifications and requirements carefully to get a better understanding of what employers are looking for in a candidate. This will give you an idea of whether or not this particular career path is something that would suit your skillset and experience level.

You should also research salary ranges for each position you’re considering as well as any additional benefits offered such as health insurance, vacation time, etc. Knowing how much money you could potentially earn in each role can help narrow down your choices even further based on financial considerations alone.

It’s also important to consider the lifestyle associated with certain careers when exploring different options available to you. Think about how much travel may be required if applicable; some jobs require frequent trips while others involve more local work only within a specific area or region of the country/world. You should also consider hours worked per week – some positions may require long days while others offer more flexible schedules depending on employer needs/demands at any given time throughout the year (seasonal).

Key Takeaway: A good career to start at 45 should be one that suits your skillset, pays well and fits with the lifestyle you're looking for. Research job postings, salary ranges and additional benefits to make sure it's a right fit for you. Consider travel requirements, hours worked per week and any other factors related to the lifestyle of the role before making a decision.


Don't forget about traditional face-to-face networking. Attend industry events (or virtual ones if necessary) where likeminded individuals gather together - these are great places not only for making connections but also gaining insights into current trends within the sector(s). You never know who might have an opportunity waiting just around the corner.

Networking is an invaluable tool for job seekers and those considering a career change, as it can open up doors to opportunities that may not be advertised. By taking advantage of the many resources available, such as online courses and mentorships, you can increase your chances of success in finding a good career to start at 45.

Key Takeaway: Networking is key to navigating a career change. Make sure to identify your skills and interests, explore different career options by talking to professionals in the field, take advantage of online resources, and attend industry events.

Taking Advantage of Resources

When it comes to making a career change, there are many resources available that can help you gain the knowledge and experience needed for success. Online courses, mentorships, and apprenticeships are all great options for those looking to transition into a new field at 45 years old.

Online Courses:

Taking online courses is an excellent way to learn more about your desired industry or profession without having to commit to a full-time program. There are numerous websites offering free or low-cost classes in everything from coding languages to business management skills. You can also find certifications in specific areas such as marketing or accounting that will give you an edge when applying for jobs in your chosen field.


Finding a mentor who has experience working in the same industry as you is another great way of gaining valuable insight into what it takes to be successful in this area. A mentor can provide guidance on how best to navigate the job market and offer advice on networking opportunities that may be beneficial for your career growth. Additionally, they can provide support during difficult times and encourage you when things seem overwhelming or daunting.

No matter what type of resource you choose, taking advantage of these opportunities will help ensure that you have all the necessary tools needed for success when transitioning into a new career path later in life. Utilising these resources can give you an edge and provide invaluable insight into how businesses operate day-to-day, as well as giving participants access to potential job leads once they complete their apprenticeship period successfully.

Key Takeaway: Making a career change at 45 can be daunting, but there are many resources available to help you gain the knowledge and experience needed for success. These include online courses, mentorships, and apprenticeships which will provide invaluable insight into how businesses operate day-to-day as well as giving participants access to potential job leads.


It is never too late to start a new career, even at 45. With the right research and planning, you can find a good career that meets your needs and goals. Take the time to define what “good” means for you, rank your priorities, explore different options, network with professionals in the field of interest and take advantage of resources available to help you make an informed decision about which career path is best for you. With dedication and hard work, anyone can find a good career to start at 45.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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