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Naomi Rothwell-Boyd, February 7 2023

Uncover A New Direction: What Trades Can I Learn In 6 Months?

Making a career change can be intimidating and overwhelming, especially if you are looking to learn new trades in just six months. With the right guidance, however, it is possible to find the perfect trade for your skillset and interests within this timeline. If you’re wondering “what trades can I learn in 6 months?” then look no further.

We will provide insight on researching different types of trades available, identifying your own skill set and interests that align with those jobs, understanding what requirements each job entails as well as exploring potential job opportunities related to these occupations before finally taking classes or apprenticeships necessary for certification. So don't wait any longer – let's dive into finding out which trades could work best for you over the next six months.

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Researching Trades

Researching trades is an important step in any career change. There are a variety of options available, so it’s important to understand the requirements and explore job opportunities before making a decision.

When researching different trades, consider how long it will take to learn the trade and what type of certification or licensing is required. Some trades may require only a few months of training while others may require several years. Apprenticeships are also available for some trades that provide on-the-job experience with an experienced professional as well as classroom instruction.

It’s also important to research the job market for each trade you’re considering. Look into local job postings and talk to people who work in those fields about their experiences. Consider if there are enough jobs available in your area or if you would need to relocate for employment opportunities. You should also look into salary expectations for various positions within the field and compare them against other potential careers you might be interested in pursuing.

Take time to research different industries related to each trade as well, such as construction or automotive repair, so that you can get an idea of what types of tasks could be involved in day-to-day work life within these fields. This will help give you a better understanding of whether this particular trade is right for you before committing yourself fully to learning it professionally.

Finally, consider taking classes related to your chosen trade at a local college or technical school prior to beginning formal apprenticeship programs or full-time employment opportunities within the field itself. Doing so can give you valuable insight into what working life looks like without having made any major commitments yet financially or otherwise towards furthering your education specifically related towards this new career path choice.

Once you have identified the trades that interest you, it is important to research them thoroughly in order to make an informed decision about your career change. Next, let's look at how to identify your skills and interests in order to find a trade that suits you best.

Key Takeaway: When researching trades, consider the amount of training needed, local job availability and salary expectations. Research industries related to the trade for insight into day-to-day tasks and take classes at a college or technical school to gain further knowledge before committing to a career path.

Identifying Your Skills and Interests

When considering a career change, it’s important to take the time to identify your skills and interests. This will help you narrow down the list of trades that you can learn in 6 months or less. Ask yourself what type of job would be most enjoyable for you? What kind of environment do you prefer working in? Are there certain tasks that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed out?

Once you have identified your preferences, start researching different jobs and industries that align with them. Consider if any of these fields require specialised training or certifications. Make sure to research the salary range for each field as well as potential job opportunities in your area. Also, consider how much flexibility is needed when it comes to hours and location.

Think about what types of activities energise and excite you versus those which drain your energy levels quickly. Do some self-reflection on why certain topics interest more than others; this could provide insight into areas where further exploration may be beneficial for a successful career transition. Additionally, think about past experiences such as volunteer work or internships where particular skill sets were developed; these could also be useful when identifying new job prospects within related fields.

Finally, don’t forget to consider non-traditional options such as freelancing or starting a business venture if they fit with your goals and lifestyle choices better than traditional employment roles might offer at this stage in life.

Taking the time to identify your skills and interests is an important step in deciding which trade you can learn in six months. Once you have a better understanding of what you are capable of, it's time to start exploring the requirements for each potential career path.

Ready to make a career change? Consider what trades you can learn in 6 months or less. Take the time to identify your skills and interests, research job opportunities & salary ranges, and explore non-traditional options. #CareerChange #Trades #JobSeekers Click to Tweet

Understanding the Requirements

It is important to understand the requirements for any trade before committing to it. Knowing what qualifications are needed and what skills you need can help you make an informed decision about whether or not a particular career path is right for you.

For example, if you’re considering becoming a plumber, there are certain certifications that must be obtained in order to practice professionally. These include a high school diploma or GED, as well as experience in related fields such as plumbing installation and repair. Additionally, some states may require additional certifications or licenses depending on the type of work being done.

When researching trades, take time to look into the educational requirements associated with each one. For instance, electricians typically need formal training from an accredited program in order to become certified and licensed by their state government agency responsible for regulating electrical work. Other trades may require apprenticeships or other forms of hands-on training before they can begin working independently in their field of choice.

In addition to education and certification requirements, many trades also have specific physical demands that must be met before beginning work in them – such as strength tests for construction workers or vision tests for welders. It is important to research these beforehand so that you know what challenges lie ahead should you decide to pursue this line of work further down the road.

Finally, don’t forget about safety regulations when researching different trades; many jobs involve hazardous materials which means extra precautions must be taken while on the job site (such as wearing protective gear). Make sure that all safety protocols are understood prior to taking on any new role within your chosen industry so that everyone remains safe during operation hours.

It is important to understand the requirements of any job you are considering before making a career change. With that in mind, it's time to explore some of the available job opportunities and see what kind of trades can be learned within 6 months.

Key Takeaway: It is important to research the educational, certification, physical and safety requirements for any trade before committing to it. This includes a high school diploma or GED, experience in related fields, additional certifications or licenses depending on the type of work being done, formal training from an accredited program and understanding safety protocols.

Exploring Job Opportunities

Exploring job opportunities is an important step in the career change process. It’s essential to understand what kind of positions are available and how much they pay before making a decision about which direction to take.

Researching Job Options:

Before committing to a new career, it’s important to research different job options within that field. This includes looking at salaries, benefits, and potential for growth within the industry. Consider if there is potential for advancement or if you would be able to move up in your chosen profession over time. Additionally, think about whether or not this type of work fits with your skillset and interests long-term.


Networking can be one of the most effective ways to explore job opportunities as it allows you to connect with people who have experience in the field and can provide insight into various positions available. Attend professional events related to your desired trade or reach out directly on social media platforms such as LinkedIn or Twitter for advice from those already working in the industry.

Job Boards & Recruiters:

Utilising online resources such as job boards like Indeed or Glassdoor can also help when exploring job opportunities by providing information on current openings within specific industries along with salary ranges associated with each position listed. You may also want to consider using recruiters who specialise in finding jobs based on individual qualifications and preferences – these services often come at a fee but could prove invaluable when navigating through a career transition period due its accessibility of contacts across many fields .

Online Resources & Publications:

There are numerous online resources dedicated specifically towards helping individuals explore different types of jobs including websites such as CareerBuilder, Monster, The Muse, and ZipRecruiter. These sites offer helpful tips on researching various professions along with detailed information regarding salaries associated with certain roles within particular industries. 

Reading publications related to specific trades may also give valuable insight into what kind of positions are currently available; make sure you stay informed by subscribing to newsletters from relevant sources.

Exploring job opportunities is a great way to gain insight into the types of trades you can learn in 6 months. Taking classes is another important step in preparing for a successful career change.

Key Takeaway: When exploring job opportunities, it’s important to research different options within the field, network with those already working in the industry, utilise online resources such as job boards and recruiters, and stay informed by reading publications related to specific trades.

Taking Classes

Taking classes or attending workshops related to the trade you are interested in can be a great way to gain more knowledge about it before committing to it full-time. Not only will this give you an opportunity to learn from experienced professionals, but also network with them and ask questions about their experiences with the field.

For example, if you’re considering a career change into web development, taking some coding classes at your local community college is a great place to start. You’ll get hands-on experience working on projects and learning new skills while getting feedback from instructors who have years of experience in the industry. Plus, by networking with other students and faculty members, you may even find job opportunities that weren’t previously available.

Another option is attending online courses or seminars that focus on specific topics within your chosen trade. These are usually offered through websites like Udemy or Coursera and provide comprehensive instruction on various aspects of the profession such as coding languages, design principles, project management techniques etc. The benefit here is that these courses often come with certificates which can be used for professional recognition when applying for jobs in the future.

Finally, there are many free resources available online such as blogs written by experts in their respective fields which offer valuable advice and tips for those looking to break into a new career path. Reading up on success stories from people who have made successful transitions can help motivate and inspire you during times of doubt or uncertainty; so do not forget about these invaluable sources either.

Key Takeaway: Gaining knowledge and experience in a trade before committing to it full-time is essential. Options include taking classes or attending workshops, online courses or seminars, and free resources such as blogs written by experts.


It’s important to identify your skills and interests, understand the requirements of the job you are interested in, explore available job opportunities, and take classes that will help you reach your goals. With this approach you can find success in learning a new trade within 6 months.

Uncover how to change your career today with our quick assessment quiz even if you don't know where to start - TRY PATHFINDER NOW

Written by

Naomi Rothwell-Boyd


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